Stan Newcombe

Husband, Father, Sci-Fi & Tech Nerd, Author, Nature lover, and who knows what else, tomorrow is a new day, it might all change.

Welcome to the Geek Zone!

This is where you can see some of my Geeky projects, Hobbies and interests. Here I may post ongoing projects or things I am thinking about doing. I never know what idea might pop up in my head next. I hope you enjoy.

Oh! Here is my Disclaimer: I am in no way suggesting you do any of the projects listed here. I do them knowing that they may be dangerous and can cause serious injury or maybe even death. I also acknowledge that I may not know all of the laws concerning all of the experiments or projects that I may undertake. I try to stay within the boundaries of local and federal laws but I admit I have not read every legal book on the market and they seem to change every other day. I do not know where you are or the laws that govern where you are.

So, in short - DO NOT TRY OR COPY ANY OF MY PROJECTS OR IDEAS. If you do, you do so at your own risk.

Stan Newcombe

More to come!

Projects and Ideas

Home Solar Tech The Best Lil-Outhouse in three states! Solar Pond Project Car Mods Portable Power Box Water Wagon Battery Box Stan Newcombe
